surf lifesaving cap for women
Surf Life Saving Cap
surf lifesaving club cap
econyl recycled lycra
surf lifesaving cap for women
Surf Life Saving Cap
surf lifesaving club cap
econyl recycled lycra
surf lifesaving cap for women
Surf Life Saving Cap
surf lifesaving club cap
econyl recycled lycra
1/ 4

Club Cap (in any colour)

Drive ironmen crazy in your faux surf lifesaving cap.
$50.00 AUD
$0.00 AUD
Red Oxide
Red Oxide
Red Oxide and Safety Yellow
Sea Grass
Lapis and Sea Mist
Sea Mist
Dried Orchid
Surf Foam
Red Oxide with White Stripe
Black with White Stripe
Fast Drying Stretch Woven
Only 0 left
Volume Pricing
$50.00 AUD each

Warning: this is not a lifesaving device. Always swim on patrolled beaches and between the flags. Pride is not recognised by the State Rescue Board of NSW as an accredited rescue unit. This cap is utterly useless and sold purely to drive people mad. 

Each piece cut and sewn in Byron Bay Australia.